Friday, August 6, 2010

First Day of School for Ella

First Day of School for Ella!

Ella..."Mom, Why can't I ride the bus?"
Tracy replies..."Because I have not one other thing in the world more important than taking you to and from school." Actually thinking...the danger, the long day, a driver I don't know....all the usual Mom things....
Ella..."Well you might as well give me a passie and a blankie if you are not going to let me move on to the next level."
Tracy...Oh Ella, you are so dramatic....that was really very good.."
Ella..."Yes, I believe I will be an actress when I grow up..."

Now we can add actress to Garbage Man, Community Pool Life Guard, Waitress and News Reporter....

Our report at the end of the day....School was totally awesome!!!! I got to give them $2.00 and eat in the cafeteria...Corn Dog and Green Beans...Yogurt and CHOCOLATE MILK! Life cannot get any better than this.....

1 comment:

Lee Owenby said...

I can right now that school is going to open a whole new avenue of Ella stories. Love these stories. Keep it up Sharon!