Saturday, March 19, 2011


From now on Beef Jerky must be called Beef Turkey!!!!!....

Why you ask.....Because Jerky is long for Jerk which is not a kind word especially to use around homeless people and the most important reason is that if you say Jerky which you remember is long for Jerk, it starts with a "J" and we all know that Jesus starts with a "J" and he is God's Son and God would not be pleased with us if we make an ugly word start with "J".....

Ella makes me so tired!!!! Now if the Lord calls her to preach in the foreign mission field and it is some great island, I'll sign us all up.....We can go hang out on the beach and drink rootbeer while she builds orphanages...............

History Lesson

Ella Loves History.....
Right now one of her favorite people from the past is.......ready.....wait for it......
He helped establish the first post office, police station and library in his town....A True American Hero......Oh and his wife's name was Deborah.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I met the most beautiful cat today.  She is very appropriately named "Jewels."

Jewels is the color of topazes, jets and pearls.

And Jewels likes getting her water straight from the source.

Now see if you can guess who Jewels belongs to ...

It seems I am always photographing Sharon's feet.

All you Loons sure are quiet out there.  What's everyone up to???