Thursday, December 1, 2011

Looking for the Next Detour

I've been derailed for a couple of weeks.....circumstances have made me stay on the straight and narrow and believe me....I think it's harder than being on a constant detour.....I have had to be grown up and responsible and it was not nearly as much fun as being on a detour....I have learned one thing though...all this time I thought the detour was know, more curves, more stop signs, more distractions.....why I almost sought sympathy for my constant detours but I'm telling you right is harder to be on course than off....Mom is doing very well....we miss Daddy....but, there are so many good memories, and so many reminders that we feel his presence all the time, and not in a creepy you can see from the photo, Mom has the Christmas Spirit....You should hear her sing carols...


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