Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Chapter In My Unwritten Book


I don't know when it happened......I don't know what happened! I don't even know how it happened! ALL I KNOW IS NOW I KNOW...

I have stopped talking to Mom....I talk behind Mother, around Mother, over Mother, at Mother, beside Mother, in front of Mother...but I have stopped talking to Mom.....what a rude awakening this is...I have gotten so busy taking care of Mother that I have forgotten Mom....

Now, I know and I can change this...I just wonder when it happened and how long I have been doing this and if Mom misses me? I CERTAINLY HAVE MISSED HER!


Lee Owenby said...

Okay ... so which one was I talking to yesterday about the pork chops at Patty's??? Was it your Mom or your Mother?

Sharon said...

Mom was in and out yesterday.....we really did take her to Patty's for valentines but she had no idea where she was...she could have been across the street at the convenience store for all she knew....David ate the pork shop, she had turkey...aka chicken(cause she would sooner drink a beer as eat turkey)