Sunday, September 19, 2010


Ella has made an important decision this week.
She now wants to be a cheerleader for the needy and homeless...
She says she feels that those poor people would surely love to see her in a white tee shirt and cute little plaid skirt..She could cheer for them and make them feel better...If that didn't work, why she would just pray for them...

I couldn't resist sharing...I promise to be back soon....this week I am sure....not slowing down..just the firemen will be here tommorrow for 3 days...they pretty much take care of themselves once I get them settled in....I plan to bombard you girls with updates....Love and miss each and every one of you....

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Ra Ra Ra! YEA ELLA! Love that! So good to hear from you sister Sharon. Know how busy you have been but that's a good thing...just miss ya!