Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bus To Hell..All Aboard !!!!

I have now added another task to my long list...I am a bus driver...Yes I am the one driving the proverbial bus to hell....that is according to my children...They remind me every day.....(the best thing about being the bus driver...I always wanted to operate that lever that opens and closes the door) I digress...
I know you all want to know what I have done that causes me to now be the bus driver...Mother , as you all are aware, has that crazy Altziemers...She is such a hoot...I have noticed that lately, or for a while really, she wants to wear the same clothes all the time...(I guess they feel familiar) Well she is just so darned cute I can hardly stand her running around looking like a bag lady..Yesterday I got her closets are arranged, everything put out of sight and reach that I did not want her to wear anymore and proceeded to tell her that the number one leading cause for people having to go into nursing homes was the fact that as people got older they did not want to change clothes very often...It was the first thing that was a warning sign that you could be on the short list for nursing home is you wore the same clothes all the time...Who ever knew that being a big ole fat liar could work so well....I know, I know....The Bible teaches against lieing, several books and verses about it...I'll just have to atone for my sins later...Right now I'm glad to have my Sassy Mom back...

P.S. Last night I was going for my last check on Mom and Dad..Mom was not in her jammies yet..I told her...They are in the second drawer in you bedroom dresser..A few minutes passed and she's back in the living room, still looking and wandering around..I said , Mother, they're in your bedroom....She says...I'm looking out here, the light is better, I can't see back there.....I've got to write a book....

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