Sunday, November 7, 2010

Salfons and Life Lessons

Sharon - Any true southern woman knows that the way to pronouce cell phone is "salfon."   Ella's just spelling it the way it sounds.    It's the same thing that makes some southerners say far tire instead of fire tower or lay instead of Lee,  agg instead of egg, pillar instead of pillow, and so on.  Sounds like Ella is going to have a real southern accent.

Anne - I have a visual.  'Nough said!

1 comment:

Kathi said...

ok time we are together I will teach you the difference between "southern" and "kountry"...Here's the "kountry" translation of the following:fire is pronounced "fi" in southern. In "kountry" it is pronounced "far" as in Springville is officially pronounced "Sprangville" in kountry! I love em all and don't have a clue what mine sounds like...probably hillbilly! But have to admit I do a pretty good impersonation of a "Bellmeade Country Club Blueblood" that is, when I want to! love to all!