Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It's another Ella Story...

Get a visual...I go to the front desk to check in a fisherman...I'm getting his key, we are talking fishing, running his credit card.....Great conversation.....Actually enjoying his company....I feel a small hand on my back, and without looking, I know that Ella has stepped in behind me..The little darling...She loves to help MeMe wait on customers, and today, why she's not interrupting and trying to take over the conversation, she's quiet...I feel her moving but that's pretty normal....I notice though, that this particular customer that I thought I really liked, and was enjoying, who seemed very kind and intelligent, is now all of a sudden not looking at me, he's barely speaking back, and unlike most people, he has not formed an instant bond with Ella and at least mentioned the fact that she's just dang skippy..As a matter of fact he has all but turned his back to me...Why he is just being rude right now...What happened to the great guy standing before me, that just 1 minute ago was so entertaining? He looks like a deer caught in headlights... I put his key on the counter with his credit card receipt to be signed...Why his head is dropped so low that I can't even see his eyes now...He won't look up...What is up? Is he crazy, Is he a mass murderer, Is he paranoid??...........Oh No...He's just shocked out of his mind....I turn and catch a look at Ella...She has on her ballet tutu with no shirt underneath...It's rounded neck is cut to her waist and she is doing a hootchie kootchie dance behind me.....she has on her blonde Hannah Montanna Wig and enough makeup to be Dolly Parton's sister.....Of course I am speechless, I look at him and make a very stupid statement " Oh my, we let her dress herself and she has no taste." Did I really say that..Does he now think that we let this 5 yr. old dress like this??? There was no way to really fix it...I tried to tell him she has a dress up box and I knew she was awful quiet that I should have checked on her...I'm covering her up and he is departing... Well, you can just imagine that within 30 minutes, I had that young lady of the night's face scrubbed, her real clothes on, her hair brushed and in pigtails and we were knocking on his door..I made her say all of the books of the Bible and quote at least 3 Bible Verses....The real kicker...He was a Methodist Preacher, the one that founded Fishers of Men Tournament Trail....He was on his way to the pre-tournament meeting...He winked at me and said..."Go and sin no more." What a guy...He is now one of my favorite guests...Looking forward to his return.....


Kathi said...

Oh Sharon! That's so wonderful...I'm so glad that Lee set up this blog! I love the "Ella" stories!

Lee Owenby said...

I wish you had taken a picture!!!!