Saturday, August 27, 2011

New York New York

Mom asked me 20 times today when Hurricaine Irene would be here......she's told me a number of times today that they are closing mass transit and the subways....she was concerned that we would have trouble getting to Daddy at Dialysis.  Several times today I've told her...we will be's on the coast...we don't have to worry.   Finally I told her New York will be next....they are right in the path. 

Mom looked at me and as sane as could be asked...."Sharon, you do know they don't have hurricianes in New York City don't you?"

How does she do this.....How can that random piece of information come when she can't remember what day it is, what she has eaten, if it's day or night, where she is?
I just need to remember....If I could understand this disease, I could control it......

So we are having our own hurricane party...we are going to consume an entire quart of Breyers Butter Pecan  Ice Cream and 5 Klondike bars,  and 3 orange sherbet push-ups so when we loose our power, our ice cream won't melt.  Oh what fun!!!  

I'll be the one having the Strawberry Daiquiri....

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