Saturday, May 7, 2011

Draft 3

This morning Mom woke up and said "Oh, what a wonderful night...I am so glad we came.". as I pried myself up off the couch I said oh yeah...nurses, technicians, nursing students,therapists, janitors, food service, more nurses...."can you believe how many people have come to see me? I didn.t know everybody but I hope they all come back.". I do too Mom...

Then the heavens parted...angels sang and in walked Dr.Gulish....he is a saint....he said..I was going to see about sending your Mom over to Plumley like about thurs. Or Friday..but she is doing so well, I'm going to give her 2 units of blood and send her by ambulance was so shocked...he said she was his most successful patient and he saw no reason to keep her in the hospital....I love that man....Maybe Kathi will let me build a shrine to him in the place where her willow stood....

She is so excited about her glorious 6 week vacation at Plumley Resort And Spa,,all inclusive, fun and games..all transportation and meals. I told her she won it playing the home version of Wheel of Fortune.....and she said...wait for it...wait


I had a nice long day today with Mom......Mother is here as well..
P.s. hospital red jello is the best all it needs is Anne.s whipped cream

1 comment:

Kathi said...

after a few days, can we visit her at Plumley resort and day spa? I would love to.