Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother Has Left The Building....1st draft

My Mother has literally left the building.....I haven't had time to grieve yet as when she left, she left someone else here...I'm going to care for and love this person because there are times, brief times, that she resembles Mom and she shows me glimpses of Mom that I know...this person still knows my name and remembers Ella above all of us...Ella is her dearest friend and they play and pray together...this person, I will call Mother, is having surgery in the morning..she seems very fragile and looks very pale....I'm sharing this with you loons because I know each one of you know exactly what I am are all very wise and can relate to this boat I'm in right now....3 days ago I asked the Lord to move up to the front of the boat....I keep putting him in the back and telling him when I need him I'll tell him...I can do it...I can fix it...I can handle it...I'll let you know......I received a peace and an understanding of this dreaded disease, Alzheimer's, when I moved to the back of the boat....I did try to stay in the front and just let him co-pilot but decided real quick I needed to make him the pilot....

I'm going to post this but I'm not finished has taken me a couple of days to get it's swirled around in my head and I feel so much better getting it on "paper". I can hardly see through my to all


Kathi said...

Our dear Sharon, yes, I do know how you feel. I can't say that about everyone's situation, but I can yours with your Mother. I had the "replacement mother" for 13 years and there's no way to explain the hurt...only one way to have the strength to take care and love her..and you've found it. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you my friend. love, kathi

Anne said...

Special friend, Sharon and yes Lee, Mom and myself can identify with you. Grandma had dementia and was really senile, but in some ways very similar to your Mom. We said "goodbye" to Gandma about 10 or so years before she left us, but we had fun with her during those years, just like you have "fun" with your Mom. You have such a wonderful, loving personality, but most of all you have God's wonderful, never ending Grace. You and yours are such a blesssing to everyone. I love you dear friend and will continue to pray for you