Thursday, April 1, 2010

One of Sharon's MeMe Moments

Last Night I was checking in one of my many favorite couples to the Lodge...Kevin & Wendy Hinton...He is a Pentacostal Preacher from KY and I do so enjoy his and Wendy's visits..They come to crappie fish...Ella had just taken a shower and was all dressed in her jammies ready to go home...I call her to the front office to perform one of her many tricks...Tonight I choose saying all the books of the Old Testament, all 66 of them...Quite a feat for a 5 yr. old...Here she comes looking all angelic and clean and smelling powdery fresh but she has her Karate Belt wrapped around her head several times like a turban...I ask her why she had it on...She informs me that she wanted to look like one of Jesus' followers like in the olden days...She wanted to be a disciple....OK,,this adds to the can't write a script like this because we are fixing to wow them

Of course Kevin is saying Praise the Lord....She starts and doesn't stop until she's recited all the books and even ends with a song about the walls of Jericho....OMG...How sweet, how smart, what an angel...They are so impressed and so am I...Then Tracy swoops in, whisks her off and says we are off to bed..I get a call 20 minutes later....Mom are you sitting down..ELLA SHAVED OFF AN EYEBROW.....She wasn't trying to look like a disciple...she was hiding the hideous bare skin that looked like a baby's butt above her left eye....It's Easter Week...She has a beautiful pink dotted dress, Ballet Recital is near, and I wanted her to try out for a part in the KPack Theater Group Production of 101 Dalmations.....Now what do we do.....Later last nite I visited the crime scene...My bathroom sink looked like a caterpillar molted...Just another MeMe Moment....

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